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Ambassador Program

Meeting Time: First Tuesday of each month, 12-1 p.m., Location: TBD

Staff Liaison: Cameron Day, Marketing & Member Engagement Specialist & Anessa Jacobson, Event & Member Recruitment Coordinator

Fee: $125.00

Monthly Lunch Cost: No charge

Mission: To serve as a public relations extension of the Sun Prairie Chamber of Commerce

Why Ambassadors:

  • Ambassadors are a crucial link between the Chamber and its members and help foster an active business
  • To better leverage the strengths of our members in engaging and serving Chamber members resulting in increased member
  • To better serve our members and the greater community by utilizing an elite corps of volunteers who are professional in every manner and who, through their representation maintain and build the Chambers brand.
  • To maximize the effectiveness of the Ambassadors by capitalizing on a more focused commitment simply attending a networking lunch once a month.
  • To provide the means for our members to foster meaningful, long-lasting relationships rather than superficial, “one-time”

Ambassador Objectives:

  • Educate members about the services and benefits of the Chamber
  • Generate prospects and convert them to new members via membership development activities and
  • Foster new member engagement in Chamber programs & services, events and
  • Welcome new members with personal
  • Provide mentorship to new members through face-to-face interactions so they achieve success.
  • Attend ribbon cuttings, groundbreakings, and grand openings along with fundraising events.
  • Serve as hosts at Chamber social functions.
  • Engage in social media activities.
  • Represent the Chamber of Commerce within organizations and the community.

Benefits to Ambassadors:

As a member of the Sun Prairie Chamber’s Ambassador team, you have accepted a leadership role in our organization. This role offers you, and your company, the opportunity to make a real difference in our community.

  • Opportunity to build relationships and networks that are deep, profitable, and meaningful with other members and with the business community at large.
  • Access to develop relationships and partnerships with business leaders and community leaders.
  • Free Chamber event access when committing to volunteer at events.
  • Exclusive invitations to community events such as soft openings, hard-hat tours, legislative roundtables, limited opportunity events, etc.
  • Exclusive networking opportunities such as registration desks, greeting, etc.
  • Access to Chamber strategy.
  • Identified as being a first point of contact for mentoring new businesses.

Code of Conduct:

  • To respect the confidentiality of meeting discussions and documents.
  • It is mandatory for every Ambassador to disclose any real or perceived conflicts of interest. If a situation arises that leads you to believe you have a conflict with any item, please inform the Chair or staff liaison.
  • To represent the Chamber in a professional manner, including but not limited to public interaction and on social
  • Foster involvement, mentor new members during their first three months of
  • For networking and program events, attend and help with greeting, registration, guiding first timers and building networking opportunities.
  • Participate in training classes and planning meetings.
  • Identify prospects and recruit new members.
  • Attend 75% of Ambassador monthly meetings, workshops and planning sessions.
  • Pay an annual Ambassador fee (in addition to Chamber membership fee): I understand there is a financial obligation to being an Ambassador, therefore, I/or my employer will provide prompt payment. (2023 fee was $100)
  • Provide feedback for continuous improvement of
  • Complete an annual program and self-assessment.
  • As an Ambassador, I recognize membership is a Furthermore, membership brings with it the responsibility to ensure that all members understand and commit to the membership standards and guidelines.


Monthly Meetings: First Tuesday of each month, Noon – 1:00 p.m., Locations vary. Agendas include lunch, networking, Ambassador spotlights, recognition & rewards, trainings, volunteer sign-ups, mentoring assignments & announcements. The Annual fee covers costs associated with Monthly Meetings.