Annual Bowling Tournament
Having fun and building camaraderie within our community is the event goal! Plus, your team can earn bragging rights with "Team Spirit" or winning the tournament. Sponsorship and volunteer opportunities available.

Registration begins at 1:00 PM
Bowling 2:00-5:00 PM
Pizza Buffet 2:00-3:00 PM
Prairie Lanes
430 Clarmar Drive, Sun Prairie
Sponsorship Opportunties!
Event Sponsor - $300
- Team of four bowlers, shoe rentals & pizza buffet
- Lane signage
- Newsletter acknowledgement
- Chamber website & social media mention
New this year! Any business with more than 4 bowlers will be considered an Event Sponsor, plus registration for an additional team.
(Ex. $300.00 for four bowlers as an Event Sponsor and $140.00 for each additional team of four as a Team Registration).
*Please register accordingly!
Lane Sponsor $75
- Name/logo on lane
- Newsletter acknowledgment
- (No bowlers)
**Sponsorship signup is on the registration page**
Team Registration - $140
- Team of four bowlers
- Shoe rentals
- Pizza buffet
Individual Bowler - $35
- Three games
- Shoe rental
- Pizza Buffet
Not a bowler? Pizza Buffet $20
Be sure to bring some cash for your chance at winning the 50/50 raffle!
Highlights Include:
- Nine Pin Tournament (3 games)
- Team Spirit Awards
- Black lights during 3rd game
- Orange Pin Strike Prizes
- 50/50 Raffle
Grab your team and register soon!