How do I join the Chamber?
Joining the Chamber is easy. Go to the "join today" selection on this site to fill out an application online, or call the Chamber at (608) 837-4547, email info@sunprairiechamber.com.
Where can I get Chamber Gift Certificates?
Chamber gift certificates can be purchased at the Chamber office at 109 E Main Street during regular business hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday-Friday. Call ahead and we will have your gift certificates ready for you to pick up.
What are the best marketing and sponsorship opportunities for my business?
Every business is unique, and the Chamber has a wide variety of sponsorship and advertising opportunities available to meet your needs and help promote your business. View "member center" -"marketing opportunities" for more specific information.
How can my business get the most out of membership in the Sun Prairie Chamber of Commerce?
We believe people do business with people they know - thus, we provide opportunities for our members to connect with each other through Chamber activities such as monthly luncheons, mixers, golf outing and annual meeting; join the Ambassadors to meet new businesses, join other committees to have a direct impact on Chamber programs and meet others, list your business in the business directory, put an insert in our monthly newsletter or flyer mailing, advertise in the annual community guide or bi-annual city map, display your brochure/business information at our office, sponsor a Chamber event or volunteer at a Chamber event. Please don't hesitate to contact our office with any questions.
How do I file a complaint about a Wisconsin business?
Complaints about Wisconsin businesses can be filed with the Better Business Bureau, PO Box 7606, Madison, WI 53703-7606. Phone: 1-800-273-1002. Web: www.wisconsin.bbb.org